
Showing posts from November, 2005

School days

Long ago & far away, I went to Abbey Wood comprehensive school. In my later years there I was lucky enough to make a lot of good friends, many of whom I'm still in touch with. Here are some pictures of a few of them & a couple of me - when I was "young & foolish" One of our "6th form" walks, from Westerham Good grief ! I was a "hippy" - but then so were we all; here with my good friend Debbie. Mick & Steve (front row), Alan, Chrissy, Deb, Malcolm, Bernie, Sue & me. Looking back, it seemed like one long holiday - we must have done some work ! Ah yes, & then of course there was Tom & Abbo - Dave Abbott, who (believe it or not) is now a responsible husband & father of 2 big lads Elaine ... ah yes, Elaine; perhaps I should mention here that I was (briefly) married to Elaine - a long time before Trix of course !

The Barber/ Wagenaar Clan

Trix's side of the family. Her Dad is Terry Barber, a true "Brit", whilst she gets her flair for style & continental "attitude" from her Dutch Mother Caroline (Wagenaar). With a second home in Vlissingen, they sound like jet setting channel hoppers; but in reality, they just have too much furnitue for one house ! Caro's brother moved to the States many years ago (Cathage, NY) & has 3 sons. Two of them, Trix's favourite cousins, are Colonels in the US Army. Here's Eric with his wife Beth, daughter Lauren & sons Chris (at the back) & Greg. This was back in 2000 at Eric's transfer of command. The October 2005 Dutch Air Force reunion Caro & Yvonne The Barber clan at our wedding in 1989. Rennie with his ex & 1st son Robbie, Caro & Terry with dear old "olma" (Trix's gran), her uncle Ren & his wife (whose name I can't spell).

Irene's Birthday weekend in Brugge (14 - 16 Oct 05)

Mum with cousin Harry (the one from Canada) Harry, Trix, Peter, Amy, Karen & Mum Mum & "her boys" Shopping in the flea market

Frankie (the 3rd member of the Scutt household)

Trix on Frankie (May 05)

The Scutt Clan

Trix, Karen, Amy & Bob (April 2005) Trix, Amy (Bob's daughter), Bob, Karen (Bob's wife) & Mum - back in 2002 Mum (Irene) - in Brugge Oct 05 An old one with my dear old Dad & my brother Bob (on the left) Me (Peter) Trix becomes a Scutt at our wedding, 27th May 1989 at St.John's Church, Bexley

Trix's brother Renny (the one who lives in Oregon)

Trix, Ren & Robbie Ren's sons Jonathon (left) & Robbie (middle), & me Ren & Trix Ren & Peter measure the plot at Bend

Trix; the wife.

Trix (short for Beatrix, which is a Dutch name she gets from her Dutch Mother - Carolina) & her Father (Terry) ariving at our wedding; 27th May 1989 Trix